Questions and Answers
Connecting an Object to the Grid
In accordance with the requirements of the "Rules for the Use of Electrical Energy" (approved by Order No. 143 of the Minister of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 25 February 2015, paragraph 2), to connect an object to the grid (single-phase or three-phase), the consumer must submit a written application to the energy transmission organisation (JSC "Astana-REC").
The following documents must be attached to the application:
- A copy of the identity document for individuals or copies of the state registration certificate for legal entities or the individual entrepreneur certificate;
- A situational plan;
- A justification calculation of the requested electrical capacity, prepared independently or with the involvement of an expert organisation;
- Ownership documents for the power supply object.
For more information on obtaining technical specifications, application processing times, and other useful details (including sample applications), you can visit the official website of JSC "Astana-REC" at under the section "Main Page > Connection to Power Supply Networks." Application forms are also available for download under "Document Templates."
No fee is charged for issuing or reissuing technical specifications. All costs associated with connecting the object to the grid (purchase of equipment and cable products, metering devices, design, and electrical installation work) are borne by the owner of the object being connected and depend on the scope of necessary activities.
What to Do If the Electricity Meter Is Not Working?
What to Do If the Electricity Meter Is Not Working?
If the electricity meter is unsealed or non-functional, a written application must be submitted to JSC "Astana-REC" at the address: Domalakana Street, 9, via the electronic queue at windows 3 or 4. The applicant must bring a document confirming their association with the organisation on whose behalf the application is being submitted (e.g., a power of attorney). For private homes and apartments in non-modernised buildings, the owner or their authorised representative must present identification. You can also seek assistance via the call centre at 620-456.
How Often Are Readings Taken in Private Homes?
As part of its activities, JSC "Astana-REC" takes readings from commercial metering devices to determine consumption levels for consumers connected to its serviced networks. By mutual agreement, the consumer may independently submit meter readings to JSC "Astana-REC." Errors made by the consumer in taking readings are corrected by JSC "Astana-REC" as they are identified.
JSC "Astana-REC" also conducts acceptance of new metering systems and inspections of commercial metering schemes in the presence of the consumer or their representative to assess the condition of the metering devices and their connection scheme. The frequency of readings and inspections is not regulated.
What Is a Seal?
A sealing device (seal, sealing wire) is a single-use locking mechanism that ensures control against unauthorised access.
Who Is Responsible for Damaged Seals?
According to Article 19, Paragraph 2, Subparagraph 1 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Electric Power," consumers of electrical and thermal energy are required to maintain the proper technical condition of electrical installations, energy installations, and commercial metering devices owned by the consumer, and to comply with technical requirements as per the regulatory acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of electric power. Thus, the consumer is responsible for the safety and integrity of the metering device and seals if they are the owner of the electrical installations.
Meter Inspection
What Is a Meter Inspection?
According to Clause 4.1 of ST RK 2.4–2017 (State System for Ensuring Measurement Uniformity of the Republic of Kazakhstan), inspections of measuring instruments are conducted to determine and confirm compliance with established technical and metrological requirements and to establish their suitability for use.
Measuring instruments are deemed suitable for use during the inter-inspection interval if their inspection confirms compliance with metrological and technical requirements.
Where Are Inspections Conducted?
Clause 4.8 of ST RK states that inspections are carried out by the state metrological service or accredited metrological services of legal entities. Inspections are performed by specialists certified as verifiers for the relevant types of measurements.
According to Clause 6.1 of ST RK, inspections are conducted:
- In stationary verification laboratories;
- In mobile verification laboratories;
- On-site where the measuring instruments are located, through dispatched verifiers;
- At checkpoints of the owners of measuring instruments.
In What Cases Are Inspections Conducted?
Chapter 5 of ST RK outlines that measuring instruments are subject to initial, periodic, unscheduled, inspection, and expert inspections:
- Primary verification applies to measuring instruments produced within the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan or imported into the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which have undergone testing for the purposes of type approval and compliance with the approved type, or metrological certification in accordance with ST RK 2.30 and included in the State System for Ensuring Measurement Uniformity (GSI RK) register, as well as those released after repair.
- Periodic verification applies to measuring instruments that are in operation or in storage, at the intervals specified in the State System for Ensuring Measurement Uniformity (GSI RK) register.
- Out-of-turn verification is carried out during the operation (or storage) of measuring instruments before the end of the inter-verification interval. Out-of-turn verification of measuring instruments is conducted in the following cases: The need to adjust the inter-verification interval; The need to confirm the suitability of the measuring instruments for use; Damage to the verification stamp, self-adhesive label, plastic seal, or loss of the document confirming that the measuring instruments have undergone initial or periodic verification, including during storage; Commissioning of measuring instruments after storage, during which periodic verification could not be performed due to conservation requirements for the measuring instruments or products containing them; Re-conservation of measuring instruments, as well as products that include measuring instruments; Transfer of measuring instruments for long-term storage after half of the inter-verification interval has elapsed.
- Inspection verification of measuring instruments is conducted during state metrological control and metrological control to determine their proper functioning, the accuracy of the results of the last verification, clarification of the accepted inter-verification intervals, and confirmation of the correct operation of the measuring instruments.
- Expert verification is conducted when disputes arise regarding metrological characteristics, the functionality of measuring instruments, and their suitability for use.
How are charges calculated if your meter is under inspection?
If the electricity meter is undergoing an energy inspection, charges are calculated based on the average daily electricity consumption from the previous period. After the energy inspection, if commercial metering is not restored, charges will continue to be calculated based on the average daily electricity consumption for one month. Thereafter, charges will be calculated based on the permitted capacity as per the technical specifications.
What to Do If the Power Supply Is Disconnected Due to Debt? Why Are Recalculations Made?
Recalculations occur due to the following reasons:
- Failure to restore the commercial metering device in a timely manner (as per directive);
- The consumer does not submit meter readings monthly;
- The consumer erroneously submits meter readings (via the internet or by phone);
- The inspector erroneously records meter readings;
- Based on a violation report;
- Changes in contracted capacity (increase or decrease);
- Initial activation of the contract;
- Based on the decision of the conflict resolution commission;
- During meter replacement (calculation from removal to acceptance of the new meter);
- Based on energy inspection findings;
- According to the current transformer rating;
- Identification of discrepancies in meter readings.
What is AMR (Automated Meter Reading)?
The Automated Meter Reading (AMR) system ensures the commercial accounting of electricity. Commercial accounting of electrical energy (and power) refers to data on the amount of electricity produced and consumed (or power). This data is used for billing purposes, including payments for supplied electricity and power, as well as for services related to these supplies. The process involves measuring the amount of electrical energy, determining power volume, collecting, storing, processing, transmitting the results of these measurements, and generating billing data.
Why is AMR Installation Required Today? Who Pays for It?
The installation of AMR is mandatory for all newly commissioned objects of individuals and legal entities, as per Paragraphs 38 and 39 of the "Rules for the Use of Electrical Energy." Since 2010, JSC "Astana-REC" has been implementing projects using its own funds in accordance with the Investment Programme for replacing meters for private sector consumers with AMR systems, based on design and budget documentation.
Can You Refuse AMR Installation?
Refusal of AMR installation is not possible, as per Article 19, Subparagraph 2 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Electric Power."
Consumers of electrical and thermal energy are required to:
Maintain the proper technical condition of their electrical and energy installations and commercial metering devices. Comply with technical requirements in accordance with regulatory acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of electric power.
Additionally, according to Paragraph 38 of the "Rules for the Use of Electrical Energy," consumers' electrical installations must be equipped with the necessary commercial metering devices for billing purposes with the energy supply organisation. For electricity metering, commercial metering devices whose types are included in the State System for Ensuring Measurement Uniformity (GSI RK) registry are used. These devices must support the operational parameters of previously installed and remotely configured equipment, fully compliant with AMR system requirements.
What Documents Are Required to Conclude an Electricity Supply Contract?
To conclude an electricity supply contract with consumers, the following documents are required:
- Copies of the Act Defining Balance Ownership of Electrical Networks and Operational Responsibilities of the Parties , along with the consumer’s connection scheme to the electrical networks (excluding individuals residing in multi-apartment buildings);
- Copies of the Acceptance Act for the Commercial Electricity Metering System;
- Copies of the State Registration Certificate (for legal entities) or an extract from the State Electronic Register of Permits and Notifications (for individual entrepreneurs);
- Copies of the Document Confirming Registered Property Rights or a copy of the title document for the power supply object;
- Copies of the Order (Power of Attorney) for the person authorized to sign the electricity supply contract, along with a copy of their identity document, excluding the primary executive of the organization (for legal entities and individual entrepreneurs);
- Copies of the Technical Specifications , excluding individuals residing in multi-apartment buildings;
- Copies of Identity Documents (for individuals);
- Written Consent for the Collection and Processing of Personal Data;
- Documents Confirming the Number of Registered Persons in the residential premises (house, apartment).
The technical specifications do not need to be provided when changing the owner of the objects.
Note: The documents listed in sub-items 1), 3–9) must be submitted to the energy supply organization by the consumer.
The document listed in sub-item 2) must be submitted to the energy supply organization by the energy transmission (energy production) organization.