109 Accepting requests for network emergencies and outages.

Non-Household Electricity Consumption (Part of Condominiums)

List of Documents Required for Concluding an Electricity Supply Contract with Consumers Whose Power Supply Facilities Are Part of Condominiums:

  1. A copy of the act defining the balance ownership of electrical networks and operational responsibilities of the parties, drawn up between the chairman of the condominium management body and the consumer, for consumers within a condominium, in the form according to Appendix 1, provided by consumers concluding a contract for non-household electricity consumption;
  2. A copy of the acceptance act for the commercial electricity metering system, prepared by the energy transmission (energy production) organization;
  3. A copy of the state registration certificate (for legal entities), an extract from the state electronic register of permits and notifications (for individual entrepreneurs), or individual identification number (IIN) details from an identity document (for individuals);
  4. A copy of the document confirming registered property rights or title documents (Purchase Agreement / Lease Agreement / Transfer Act / Assignment Agreement, construction start notification, land plot act (for under-construction facilities), etc. (a copy for attachment to the application, original for verification);
  5. A copy of the document (order, power of attorney, or document confirming the authority of the person) authorizing the individual to conclude the electricity supply contract, accompanied by an identity document, excluding the organization's primary executive (for legal entities and individual entrepreneurs);
  6. A copy of the technical specifications;
  7. Bank details (bank name, current account number) – provided only by legal entities.
  8. A copy of the act defining the balance ownership of electrical networks and operational responsibilities of the parties, drawn up between the chairman of the condominium management body and the consumer, for consumers within a condominium, in the form according to Appendix 1 of these Rules, provided by consumers concluding a contract for non-household electricity consumption.

Acceptance Statement for the Electricity Supply Contract for Non-Household Use, Funded from the State Budget

  1.  (Appendix No. 1, Appendix No. 2).

Acceptance Statement for the Electricity Supply Contract for Non-Household Use

  1. (Appendix No. 1, Appendix No. 2).

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