Balkishev Serik Turganbekovich
Заместитель Председателя Правления по реализации
Appointed Deputy Chairman of the Board for Implementation at JSC "Astana-REC" on August 8, 2023
Born: January 18, 1968, Akmola Region
- 1992: Agricultural Institute, Tselinograd, Specialisation: "Agricultural Electrification. Electrical Engineer";
- 2001: Turan University, Almaty, Specialisation: "Finance and Credit. Economist-Financier."
Functions at JSC "Astana-REC":
- Oversees issues related to the control of the technical process for the implementation and operation of AMR (Automated Meter Reading) and AMI (Advanced Metering Infrastructure) systems, as well as the technical condition of commercial metering devices;
- Ensures control over electricity consumption;
- Ensures control over the calculation and recalculation of electricity transmission volumes through the networks of JSC "Astana-REC" for consumers, including claims handling;
- Ensures control over normative and above-normative losses during electricity transmission through the networks of JSC "Astana-REC."
Work Experience:
- 2022–2023: Director of the Electricity Distribution Department at LLP "Karaganda Zharyk";
- 2019–2022: Chairman of the Board at JSC "Astana – Regional Electric Grid Company";
- 2019: Managing Director – Member of the Board at JSC "Astanaenergoservice";
- 2014–2018: General Director at LLP "Teplotransit - Karaganda";
- 2012–2014: Technical Director at LLP "Inal Energy," Karaganda;
- 2010–2012: Head of the Apparatus at LLP "Karaganda Zharyk";
- 2009–2010: Director of the Sales Department at LLP "Karaganda Zharyk";
- 2007–2009: Executive Director at LLP "Karaganda Zhyly," Karaganda;
- 2006–2007: General Director at LLP "Ontyustik Zharyk Transit," Shymkent;
- 2002–2006: Director of the Sales and Payment Collection Service at LLP "Karaganda Zhyly";
- 2002: Deputy Director of the Sales and Payment Collection Service at LLP "Karaganda Power," Karaganda;
- 2001–2002: Head of the Consumer Service Department at JSC "Astanaenergoservice";
- 2000–2001: Head of the Consumer Service Sector at the Consumer Service Department of JSC "Astanaenergoservice";
- 1999–2000: Deputy Director for Electricity Sales at LLP "Burabay Energoopt," Kokshetau;
- 1998–1999: Sales and Electricity Implementation Engineer in the Sales Group of the District Electrical Network Department of the State Enterprise "Kokshetau Distribution Electric Grid Company," Kokshetau;
- 1993–1998: Master of the RMC-1 VMEC Service at the Kokshetau Electric Grid Enterprise;
- 1992–1993: Electrical Fitter for Substation Equipment Repair at the Kokshetau Electric Grid Enterprise.
- 2009: Title "Honoured Energy Specialist of Kazakhstan";
- 2010: Title "Honoured Energy Specialist of the CIS";
- 2016: Medal "For Contribution to the Field of Electric Energy";
- 2020: Honoured Energy Specialist of KEA (Kazakhstan Electric Power Association).